Prepare yourself for the journey ahead

You probably want to jump right in, but it makes a lot of sense to set a few minutes aside to reflect on the journey that lays ahead of you.

Right at the beginning it's important to Get clear on what you want and reflect on the question of How important is a great idea anyway?

Afterward it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the most essential mental models that will help you persist when most others give up.

When you understand that The real challenge is navigating the idea maze and that You need persistence (and luck), you'll be able to take a step back during difficult periods and say "Oh this is what's going on right now."

Develop an eye for great ideas

Once you know what you want and understand the challenges that lay ahead of you, it's time to heighten your idea sense.

With ideas, it's almost like with electromagnetic waves. We're surrounded by them, but if we're not tuning into them (e.g. by using a radio), we're not receiving them. Hence, it's essential to spend some time learning about different ideation methods and frameworks.

Think about it this way. Each framework and strategy you learn gives you the ability to receive a new idea frequency. Once you've learned just a handful of them, you'll start to see opportunities everywhere.

But first of all, make sure you understand why it's essential to Focus on Painful Problems Over Ideas.

Afterward study the four essential strategies for coming up with business ideas.

<aside> 💡 Top-down - a new technology or regulation came out & I want to methodologically navigate what can be uniquely built as a result

Bottom-up - a specific person experienced this problem and I built X to solve it

Organic - I'm solving my own problem

Inorganic - I'm solving other people's problem
